Wednesday, November 7, 2012

KILLED that test, pot legalization..

Good evening to anyone that's bored enough to read this. 

It's 7:00 PM, which isn't horrible time wise even if I've still gotta few things I need to make sure to get done tonight. I've been sort of slacking on guitar, yesterday I only practiced 30 minutes because I was so tired from getting work done. Tonight's been sort of the same way, I skipped my legal class today so I could come back to the apartment to study for my math exam earlier. I've been working on those math problems off and on all day. I also studied a bit last night. I've improved, but at the point that I'm at right now I think I'd be sitting on a D grade for tomorrow's test unless I get another couple hours in tonight. Maybe just 90 minutes and refresh tomorrow morning and I should be able to bump that up to a C+/B- area. What can I say, I'm not great at math you guys. I'm trying my hardest but it's hard to remember the rules. Montgomery understands though, he knows we all just want to pass and gtfo. 

I'm officially registered for my classes for next quarter! This quarter has been quite a challenge up to this point, I've had to work harder than any other quarter I've taken. I'm wondering how my next class load will compare.

Here's my list:

English 102, Arlo Fleming. 8:00-8:50 MoWeFri Bouillon Hall (math building, interesting location for an English class)
I couldn't find a teacher review on this one. Burnadette told me the reason for this is because English 102 is typically taught by graduate students. This could be interesting. I'm hoping for the best on that one.

Econ 201, Robert Carbaugh, Principles of Economics Micro, 9:00-9:50 Mon-Fri in Shaw

Luckily Shaw is pretty close to Bouillon so I'll be able to walk there on time.

Math 130- Finite Mathematics, Dale Width, 10:00-10:50 Mon-Friday in Bouillon

My professors for finite math and economics are rated very high, so that's a major plus. That alone makes me excited for next quarter because two of the professors that I took this quarter were rated on a ":|" or mediocre scale. I don't want to say that they're mediocre professors at all, I really like my legal class... it can just get really boring..

Like I said I skipped it today, for the first time this quarter. I'm probably going to end up re-reading the chapter he lectured on today as well as Chapter 13 for this stupid quiz that's due tomorrow. Hypothetically, I could wait until after my math test and accept a 10% penalty and it wouldn't be the end of the world. But I'd rather just get it done tonight if at all possible, even if math really is my top priority right now. 

So here's my plan for the night:
Right now it's officially 7 sooo...
7:15-8:00, read over legal chapter 12
8:05-8:40, guitar
8:45-9:30 more math
9:45-10:45 read chapter 13, take stupid quiz
10:50-11:20 MORE math....

Then bed. only 35 minutes of guitar today ughhh I'm gonna have to play a solid few hours tomorrow before Jacob and I's lesson. What's even cooler is that he's going to be able to send me files via skype and I'll be able to print them from my printer in my room... This is gonna be so cool, I'm so excited. Just have to get through this stupid math test. 

OH. Big news!! I got a 96% on my accounting test!! WOOO!!! I'm so happy!!! These last three chapters in that class are going to be difficult but I know I can get through this now. Just gotta make sure I don't bomb the last test and I'm home free. I knew the flash cards would help me.

Oh. And pot's legalized. And Obama is still the president. It's the last thing on my mind right now I gotta study. There's been so much rehash about it, I don't even really feel like going into my feelings on the election. I will say that I'm very relieved that Obama is still president, he won by a landslide in fact. Europe is happy, the intelligent people are happy, we're all happy. Our world is in a fragile place right now and the last thing we need is someone like Romney to come in and start building up our military and sending our men into countries we have no right to be in. 

I'm also happy that Obama will be president at the time that communism will inevitably fall in North Korea here in the next four years. That is a VERY fragile and dangerous situation when it all collapses, mainly because these people have been brainwashed since birth to fight US imperialists to the death... But with the population being as starving and in desperate need for help as it is maybe they wouldn't be so quick to shoot at us. They're almost all military trained, though, because their entire economy is their "army" and putting on these rally's where they march around and give speeches about how much they hate the US. 

So if our troops were to storm into North Korea we'd be ambushed by these famished North Korean soldiers that have literally been waiting for their entire lives for this so called attack on Korean soil. It shouldn't be an attack at this point, it should be a rescue mission, with the help of the entire world. They could be saved just as easily (if not easIER, considering they really need food more than anything) as Japan after their tsunami when the whole world pulled together to help them. Korea is roughly the size of Mississippi for God sake.

Anyway I gotta get going, gonna start on that list.... blegh, gotta play some Opeth or somthing.


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