Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm home. Praise Jesus.
I feel a lot better just being in my house surrounded by familiar things and not having to worry about nurses popping in and out wanting to put more foreign things in me and pricking me with more needles, and worst of all, examining me in places that I don't want them to be examining. Luckily though, after the long check out process, I was sent home, and now that room can be enjoyed by someone else that is stuck in the damned downstairs waiting room at that hospital.
I had the nicest nap with Miranda when I got home today, she got all snuggled in with my face. She can make me feel better than anyone else. She's just such a treat for me. No offense to anyone, but I really missed Miranda more than anyone else at the hospital just because she often dictates how well I sleep. Bad news about Spanky, though, he has gone missing. On a night with a lot of wind, he wandered off, and we haven't seen him since. We're wondering if the wind made him wander away from home, and now he's lost... or maybe he just left to pass. We're not sure. We're worried about him though, poor guy. [[**Note: Spanky is my 16 year old cat that is now blind and can barely get around outside without getting lost. He mainly spends most of his time indoors.]]

I have a lot of homework tonight, in every subject. This quarter has been hard and I would of been working on this stuff this weekend if the circumstances had of been different. I hope everyone at CBC enjoyed their four day weekend without illness... Can't believe I was at that damned hospital for 4 days (today was the 5th), I almost have post traumatic stress from it. I feel a little nauseous whenever I think about it. I just hope that I can sort of get a little of my appetite back.

I've lost some weight through all this. Yep, not eating for 4 days takes a toll on you. However getting pumped with fluids and antibiotics continually made me look more bloated then I usually do.. But I've lost about 10 lbs from this whole experience. So I'm down to about 145 lbs now, which is a good start to my weight loss. I still want to get down to my goal weight of 130. It's going to be hard but I'm going to do it. Right now, it doesn't look too difficult, considering that all food looks disgusting...


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