Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dreams of aggression.

I was really tired when I got home from school today, and took a nice long nap before hitting the books. I had this dream though and I'd like to find the significance to it. Note: The dream started out a little raunchy. Nothing happened, I just wanted to write it down to somehow get the significance of it.


It started in a hotel. A really nice hotel, with gold colored, modern furniture. I was laying on the bed with someone who'd I'd apparently brought, who happened to be a girl I've known since childhood who is slightly younger than me who I've never particularly liked. When my mom, sister, and my sister's couple friends left, my mom was like "You better not do anything." The girl that I was with seemed to be making moves on me, and I'm like... "Uh... no... I don't think so.." I remember looking down and seeing a bulge in her shorts, so it was actually a guy in disguise apparently. I was then blindfolded, and five of these athlete girls and some really popular, overrated guy that I vaguely knew when I was in highschool told me to "do things" with this guy. I kicked the guy off, and told him that I would NEVER want to do anything with him. He seemed to have his feelings hurt, and they left. Wow. 

 When I removed my blindfold, there was a party of college kids in my hotel room. There was people everywhere. I didn't seem to know any of them. I noticed an older (like, 30's.) black guy walk in from the backdoor, who apparently owned the hotel and people seemed to know. He blended in right with the party somehow. 
Moumoon, my current J-pop favorite. 

For some reason, at this party I was in a very sour mood. Everyone around me was dancing and I was a loner. I went to my computer, not realizing it was controlling the music in the room, and accidentally changed it to J-pop. Some people sitting behind me yelled at me that my music sucked and I stood up and left.

 Alone, I sat down at some couches and started texting my mom. I wrote, "So I'm at my first college party and nobody likes me". But, I was being really rude to everyone so subconsciously in my dream I knew that was the reason-- but I was too afraid to really talk to anyone. Then, here comes these really weird kids that looked a bit younger then me. One was a girl and one was a boy, and sat on both sides of me. I hid my text from them, as if not wanting them to know that I'm uncomfortable so that they wouldn't try and talk to me to "cheer me up". Needless to say, they started talking to me about dancing, then saying "We're not even going to bother trying to see that text..". Ignoring them as well, I decided to go outside. 

Outside the hotel seemed to be a park trail of some kind. Next to it was a pay phone, which apparently I needed to use (even if... uh... I had my phone texting in the dream). I approached it, and there was a very petite girl. I remember thinking, "Is that Taylor Morales?" but then realized it wasn't. Taylor is a girl that I've gotten to know on facebook that went to my school that has a tiny stature, very thin, and a bit shorter than me. The girl turns to me, and I realized I didn't recognize her. She had short black hair and little round glasses. She asks, "Are you on birth control?" And I was like.. "Uhh, no..." She then responds with disgust, "Well you should be then." 

I then just flat punched her in the face, and when I realized my punch wasn't that hard, kneed her in the stomach. I proceeded to put her in a head lock and threw her head against the side of the phone booth. Throwing her on the ground with a bleeding head, I then left back inside.
The party was still going on, and I sat down slumped on the couch. I figured I should get ahold of my mom about this, so I called her. I remember saying "I got in a fight.. But she asked for it because she said..." and then my mom was like, "Oh! Then I understand..." At this time I looked over and saw Kyle Hoodenpyle (*So random, I never talk to this person...) who looked at me in surprise. I then saw more guys from Benton City, one of which I had a huge crush on in highschool, but thought he wouldn't like me after what I'd just did. 


I'm going to continue writing this to hopefully find the significance later.. 


  1. I have a dream book that I got at Barnes and Noble for about $4. It's definitely worth it. I've had some very telling dreams. Here's some definitions to what you saw in your dream:

    Hotel: to dream of a hotel or any establishment that is temporary accommodation indicates that we may not feel secure within our present living conditions. The type of accommodation often gives clues as to the insecurity we are experiencing. 5-star hotel: expensive luxury.

    Party: When we find ourselves attending a party in a dream, we are often alerted to our social skills--or lack of them.

    Blindfold:If we have been blindfolded in a dream, it shows a deliberate attempt is being made to deceive us.

    Transvestism: signifies a confusion so far as gender is concerned in dreams.

    There are more things I can look up, so just ask me. The book I'm getting these from is called "10,000 Dreams Explained" by Pamela J. Ball.

  2. Some of that is very helpful.
    I think the party thing reflected more of how I felt when I was a kid/preteen and my lack of friendliness. The nerdy kids represented that I don't feel comfortable with them, or the 'popular' kids. Idk.

    The transvestism thing makes sense, though I don't think it has to do with my own gender confusion but confusion about my sexuality. Michael made me feel so horrible about myself that I feel a lack of attraction to men right now (aside from one that respects me.) It's hard to explain.

    Anyway-- thank you! So much

  3. Michael? The one who came to visit??


Let's avoid being rude and nasty, thanks