Tuesday, January 18, 2011

☆Emily you are a lazy bum!!!!☆

It took a lot of tries to get a new picture that I liked...

I think maybe I might be unphotogenic, or maybe just don't have that technique that other girls do, but it seems to take me a lot of tries to get a picture that I really like. Tomorrow I intend to take some pictures with friends, or of random things and post them here.. 
Now, about my health. I've been bad, haven't taken my antibiotics yet. I intend to take all those pills before bed, instead of taking any in the morning. The reason being is that I would rather sleep through the nausea than have to deal with it at school or during the day when I'm doing my homework or have to eat dinner. I did a good job eating today. I ate sushi for lunch and ate a couple burritos for early dinner. I'll probably eat a little something more before bed. 

I picked up a job application at Applebees today, and while I waited for the manager to get there I ate at Bento Teriyaki, I love that place, and when I was waiting I was working on my homework and the waitress asked me about it, and I was like-- "Oh how clique is this!" I was kind of embarrassed, but they were busy so I figured I'd have to wait awhile for food to come. When I paid, she asked where I was learning Japanese from, and we had a little conversation IN Japanese! It was amazing!! I can't wait to someday go to Japan... Apparently the waitress knows Alison Christ, my former tutor, because she goes to the same church. Alison really has made a name for herself at the school for being really good at Japanese, and I hope that I can tutor some day. Wait... scratch that... no, because I want to transfer before that would happen. 

Speaking of which, bad news guys. Well, good news for me. Today I dropped Symbolic logic. Now, don't be like, "Ooo Emily's a quitter" because that's not it at all. I tried, I did. I studied. But that teacher said on the first day, half the class is going to get it and half the class isn't. I was just in that "isn't" category and I didn't see that changing as the material got harder on a daily basis. Wakemen was rude in my opinion too-- today when I tried to ask him a question, he rolled his eyes and walked off. What a prick! Yeah, I was lost, but I can guarantee I wasn't the only lost one in there. AND he doesn't clarify shit! Neither does the book! And the problems make no sense... take all these premises made up of variables and tell if the conclusion is true... or whatever they're asking. They give you nothing and they expect something. Symbolic Logic-- you are the dumbest subject EVER. Truth Tables are STUPID and POINTLESS. 

The bad news is, now I feel as though I'm wasting my time... a 10 credit quarter? Wow. What a waste. After all this, biting my time to transfer out of here, now I'm taking 10 credit quarters? I feel like such a bum. I've REALLY gotta do good in these two classes... 

Time to study!


1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about dropping classes; I had to take a 10 credit quarter during my junior year in HS because I absolutely HATED the history teacher I had. Glad to hear you're feeling better! When you're back up to speed, in health and school, you should come visit me! I could really use some Emily time. I might be coming home this weekend, I'll give ya a call and we can get sushi or something.


Let's avoid being rude and nasty, thanks