Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1st day on the job (and check out this crazy cake)

Hey guys. It's 10:27 pm, Tuesday night.

I just worked out for about 20 minutes. Figure I'd try to make a dent in the amount of calories in 48 oz. of Bud light and Clamato and a BLT sandwich I enjoyed this evening after my first day at work. I'm all sweaty and slippery from putting on tanning lotion shortly before doing a couple workout videos which probably wasn't the best idea. Anyway.

My first day at Little Caesars was pretty good. Brianna M. was who trained me and did a pretty good job at it. I've known Brianna since we were kids which took a lot of the pressure off versus if it were a stranger. I really like my boss Rita too. I expected her to be really hard on me for some reason but she was actually quite friendly and told me I did a good job at the end of the day. Though I'm not yet as fast and effective at doing things as I'd like to be, I think I'll catch on pretty quickly. I just really want to do a good job and mess up as little as possible because I'm so happy to have gotten a job after this summer anyway.

But I will mess up occasionally, just part of the learning curve. What I like about this job is it's extremely task oriented. As a crew member you're either at one station flattening the dough or making breadsticks, or you're at the next station preparing pizzas to be held at the rack ready for baking, or you're boxing pizzas and getting it ready to go for the customer. The faster and more effective I can do these skills the better I'll do at this job-- period. And because today was my first day I was obviously slower and cautious but I'll be able to speed up in time.

Luckily today was just slow and steady.. Brianna told me it can get kind of crazy when they're busier and have to predict how many pizzas to have ready to go. Tomorrow I'm working from 4 pm-8 pm  with the woman that trained Brianna so I'm hoping she's cool. Thus far I like everyone I work with, including these other two Hispanic women I worked with but I'm drawing a blank on their names right now. One of the women didn't speak any English and I tried to friendly communicate in my crummy broken Spanish and we all laughed. The other woman that did of course speak English was really cool and also helped me out a lot today. She's got four kids.

Speaking of kids... 

My sister made this insane Elmo cake (pictured above) for this little girl's birthday. Her name is Lillie and she's been living with my sister's boyfriend's family for about a year now. It's really none of my business why but I know the baby's Dad is this guy named Lorenzo who still seems like a kid himself. 

Here's a picture of the cake from the front. The Elmo itself was actually shaped using rice crispy treats-- I thought that was really clever. Of course it took an ABSURD amount of food coloring to achieve those shades of red and blue so our kitchen was a complete disaster when I arrived home. I decided to go to the store and get a microwave dinner instead of bother cooking... My mom spent hours cleaning the mess this cake made.  

A bowl of rice crispies sounds pretty good right now.



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