Sunday, April 17, 2011

This whole thing has reached such insanity. I hate them all.

Already almost 9:00 pm? Really? The day has flown by. I feel like I've gotten most of what I've needed to get done... done, besides sending in my running log for this week because the computer in my room is busted. It's been on the start up loading screen for 4 hours now. I need to try to get it working though because I think it's due at 11'. I'm really bad with these online classes, haha.

So tonight we had hamburgers for dinner because I was craving it for some reason. I very rarely crave anything red meat, but I felt like I wanted something with some substance I guess. As you guys know, I eat a LOT of fruit, a lot of asian food, and a ton of cereal-- raisin bran to be more specific.
I love Raisin bran. Why? Because it's healthy, has a lot of whole grain, and I can eat a LOT of it without consuming too many unhealthy calories. Really the only fattening thing about Raisin bran is the 2% milk that I have with it, but I think the good in this stuff completely outweighs the bad. I mean it keeps me full for a longer period of time than any other food I can think of. It's sweet, too. So sweet and delicious.

More fucked up family issues....

Speaking of fat, my uncle Ty struck again today. My Dad hasn't been eating at all today because he's been sickened by what he said. Essentially, my uncle got the paperwork to buy the farm. He came up to my Dad, who was talking to this guy Sean today, and right in front of my Dad's friend says: "I got the paperwork to buy the farm, so you need to get all your shit off this property." He's basically saying he has the legal rights to make my dad get his stuff out of his barn, and burn it down.

The barn is my Dad's life. It's been his escape for years. He's got so much stuff in that barn that he's accumulated over the years.. tools, antiques, wood.. probably thousands of dollars worth of stuff in there. But now where are we going to put it? We'll have to sell it, probably have a massive yard sale and sell all my dad's stuff for next to nothing.. and then the barn will get burnt down. All just because of my selfish, horrible uncle and the rest of his family just sitting around watching this unfold. Ty is a fucking idiot, a fucking MENTAL CASE. I hate him so much,  I figure eventually his paranoid schizophrenia and obesity will catch up with him eventually. For twenty damn years my dad was out on the farm doing hard labor to keep it maintained, when Ty was up in his room smoking pot and sleeping all day.

My Grandma is even dumber. Without my Dad, the farm is now run by an alcoholic (my uncle Todd) and my mental case uncle. Neither of which can be trusted. Todd has his own farm adjacent to ours, and has for the most part stayed out of this until recently. My dad went to him looking to get HELP, and Todd said that he didn't have to worry about anything. Few weeks later, Ty and Todd are all buddy-buddy and essentially have ganged up against my Dad to get him off the property. My grandma, who could of stopped all this in the beginning, has not said anything. She hasn't stood up for my dad once. MY DAD HAS DONE ALL THE WORK AT THAT FARM AND MAINTAINED IT FOR 20 YEARS, YET MY GRANDMA IS TOO DUMB TO SEE THAT. Or maybe she does. She knows that if Ty doesn't get what he wants, there is potential that he could leave, and Ty takes care of Grandma. Recently she couldn't get all the way up the stairs so she needs someone's assistance. Maybe after this is over she'll move to Utah with her sisters or something.

But honestly, I think my Grandma, my aunt Teri and whoever claims to be mormon in this situation is kidding themselves. Family and God is basically what the mormons base their religion around, from what I've heard from Mormon people themselves. If they're such good Mormons how could they allow my Dad and my family to be completely shut out. A long time ago, Teri told me that I don't understand the situation. Oh yes, it's so complicated isn't it? Selfish, stupid people aren't that complicated. My dad is miserable, and if my Mom left him he would be completely alone in the world. My whole family is hurt by this.


To anyone that reads my blog, I'm sorry that most of my entries lately have lead to talking about this situation. I just feel like I have to put it somewhere.

Someday, I hope to confront them and tell them how much I sincerely hate them, and that they are no longer a part of my family. Because it's true, they aren't. I might have their genes, but I will never consider them people I can trust or... even make direct eye contact again. They make me that disgusted. They will never step foot on my wedding, or get to hold my future baby, or even meet my future children for that matter. Doesn't really make a difference though, I don't think. I mean, I've never really met or talked to my Grandma/Grandpa's brothers and sisters (on my Dad's side anyway), and it hasn't effected my life, and it probably won't effect my kid's lives. My wedding is probably going to be in California so that my mom's side (which is pretty small) can attend.

OH! Lastest news! My family "took a vote" and my Dad was "voted out!" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!

I told Amy Campbell not to work for them this summer, and I hope she spreads the news to the other LDS kids that I know they're going to ask to work there.



  1. This whole situation blows, especially for your dad. For you though, cutting them out is a good idea. You don't need these weirdos in your life anyway; you have plenty of family in your friends. You and me are definitely family, and you've got Katelynn too, and many others that I can't keep track of.
    I feel really bad for your dad though. I remember the barn, that's where Spanky (RIP Spanks) came from and I remember going there and looking at all the stuff with you when we were little.
    Sadly though, I've heard that some of the other cherry orchards in town are going to contract out their work for the summer, which means local kids might have to work for Wilsons...I wouldn't though. Good idea to spread the word on that.

  2. I just now got this... a little late and I doubt you'll get the reply but I'll mention this to you later.
    It is damn sad that my dad is having to deal with this. It's killing him. Well, not literally, actually he's lost about 15 lbs since this whole ordeel started, and doesn't seem to be smoking nearly as much. BUT, he's really sad, and pacing around in circles with nothing to do... except for that tree disaster in our yard. I think some good will eventually come of this though. He's going to build a big shed out back, sort of like what Les has, and he's going to have a place to run away too again even if its just our backyard.

    I don't really know what you mean by contracting out workers, but I doubt people will be running to our orchard considering how small it is and that we only really NEED one swamping team. BUT.. now that we have lazy ass Ty, more unnessasary employees will be hired so Ty doesn't have to do anything.

    The weather has been HORRIBLE!! which is FANTASTIC!! Karma is gonna be such a bitch this year :)


Let's avoid being rude and nasty, thanks